Psychological tiredness is far more common than tiredness
that's caused by a physical problem. One key reason is anxiety, which can cause
insomnia and in turn lead to persistent fatigue. A survey by the Mental Health
Foundation found that nearly a third of the populations are severely
sleep-deprived, often because of job and money worries.
The worries and strains of daily life can be exhausting,
even positive events, such as moving house or getting married. And emotional
shock, such as bad news, bereavement or the break-up of a relationship, can
make you feel drained. Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety can
make you feel more tired. They can also prevent you from getting a proper
night's sleep.
Tiredness can often be attributed to lifestyle factors, such
as drinking too much alcohol, or having a bad diet. If you drink alcohol in the
evening, it tends to wake you in the middle of the night. And if you drink a
lot regularly, it can make you depressed and affect your sleep. If you have a
disturbed sleep pattern – for instance if you work night shifts, sleep in the
day or look after young children – it can be difficult to get a good night’s
sleep, and you’ll feel tired during the day.
How to tackle tiredness through Ayurveda?
Dr. Pathrose, Chief Physician Parathuvayalil hospital & Orthopedic
Centre say, tiredness is caused due to decreased strength. A persons strength (Bala)
is based on his digestive fire (Agnibala).Decreased agni leads to deprivation
of Strength. Therefore the treatment principle is administration of medicines
which induces Agnibala ie Agnideepana drugs. Apart from treatment patient is advised
to adopt healthy lifestyle habit .Practicing yoga and pranayama are also beneficial
in relieving fatigue. Medicines like Aswagandharishtam and Aswagandhadi leham
are usually indicated in fatigue. A special medicine prepared under the
guidance of Dr. Pathrose called Chyavana D Strong is indicated in general debility
and compromised immuno competency. Many of its ingredients are Agni deepana and
bala vardhaka. Psychological tiredness can be addressed according to the
clinical history and condition of the patient.
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