Monday 14 April 2014

Ayurvedic Approach in the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids

Now a days case of women suffering from fibroids in uterus is large. Uterine fibroids are non-malignant tumours of the uterus, affecting about 20% of the female population over the age of 35. Fibroids can vary in size, shape, position and number, some causing symptoms of pressure and uterine enlargement, while others are small and discrete.

Uterine fibroids are composed of dense muscular fibres arranged in circular layers, and encapsulated in a layer of smooth muscle. Fibroids may be located within the uterus (intrauterine), in the wall of the uterus (myometrial), or outside of the uterus (extrauterine). Intrauterine fibroids can inhibit fertility by interfering with implantation. Myometrial fibroids can place pressure on adjacent organs, and in some cases, can affect renal function by placing pressure upon the ureters. Extrauterine fibroids are located under the serous membrane of the uterus, and can be on or near the fallopian tubes and can affect fertility.

According to Ayurveda, fibroid is growth in mamsadhatu of uterus. According to ancient texts, mamsarbuda means growth in muscles and connective tissue. Fibroid often manifests itself as excessive bleeding and hence this should be treated as 'Yoni-vyapad' (group of disorders related to female reproductive system).

Uterine fibroids are considered mostly a kapha-accumulation disorder, but often involve pitta and vata displacements also, in which case the patient may be considered as pre-cancerous. Therefore, treatment must be deep-acting to balance the tri-dosha and must be sufficiently sustained over time to eradicated slow-moving kapha. The fibroids can be dissolved by diet, lifestyle changes and Yoga.

Diet for the patient of uterine fibroids should be kapha-soothing and perhaps also pitta-pacifying, depending upon the bleeding patterns. Bitter, pungent and astringent foods are favored to support the metabolism in reducing its tendency to form fibrotic cellular changes from kapha. Dietary changes should reflect an increase in whole foods and fiber, and a decrease in saturated fats and alcohol consumption.

Lifestyle should be aimed to reduce kapha; one should be active before sunrise. The earlier the rising time, the quicker kapha can metabolize itself. Self-massage with a minimal quantity of light oil such as sunflower oil can helps to invigorate the body. Exercise, beginning gradually and becoming more vigorous over a few months is advocated.

Plants like Kumari, Shuda Guggulu, Neem, Ashoka, and Manjistha are useful. Warm castor oil packs applied to the lower abdomen will help to 'melt' the fibroids and retract the kapha via apana vayu. Massaging Pure, Cold-Pressed Castor Oil daily to lower abdomen around naval area in a circular motion is also helpful.

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