Monday 15 July 2013

What’s a hernia?

Imagine a barrel with a hole. If it’s inflated, balloon bulges through the hole. The balloon bulging through the hole is like tissues of abdomen bulging through the hernial orifice

Protrusion of tissues of our body through a weakened muscle is called hernia. The word "hernia" is derived from a Latin word meaning "rupture". Factors that lead to Hernia may be inherited and develop as the individual grows. Relative risk of developing hernia over a life time depends on arrangement, thickness and strength of the tissues.

Abdominal hernia is typically a harmless condition; it can be further classified into umbilical hernia and inguinal hernia. Hernia occurs as a localized, painful or painless swelling depending on the amount of pressure on the abdomen. Uncomplicated hernia can be principally repaired by pushing back or reducing the herniated tissue and then repairing the muscle tissue by medical and surgical procedures. Any hernia that causes inflammation, strangulation hemorrhage at the swollen site may require immediate surgical intervention.

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