Monday 15 July 2013

Though my baby is out, I’m surprised with the way my tummy looks!

Belly after baby: A major concern of new moms is to regain their pre pregnancy body and flatten their tummy after delivery.  The cells that swelled up during pregnancy eliminate extra fluid through urine, vaginal secretions and sweat. Growing foetus and increasing baby weight put pressure on abdominal muscle which stretches as much as 50%.

The extra fat that put on to nourish the baby takes at least a few weeks to burn off. Hormonal changes cause your uterus to contract, shrinking it back to pre-pregnancy state. It took 9 months to stretch and accommodate a full term baby, so it makes sense that it would take at least that long to tighten back. Speed and degree of regaining shape depends on your normal body size, how much weight you gained and how active you are. Practically, the belly after baby condition seems to continue all through.

Ayurveda suggests so many post-partum rituals to resolve this. It ranges from bitter decoctions to oils and ghee for external application. Now a days busy bee moms are not getting enough time and convenience to observe all those. In- Shape elastic abdominal binder from Dr. Pathrose Parathuvayalil Group is an excellent advancement to address this issue. It acts as a safe post-partum wrap which can be tied around your belly. For further instructions on how to you In- Shape, visit

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