Friday 20 September 2013

De-stress Without risk

Stress is the trash of contemporary life, we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life…

Anything can cause stress. Stress is the result of a person’s perspective; what is stressful to one person may not be the same to another. Sometimes when people are under emotional stress, they say things they don’t really mean.

According to a study conducted by a team of neuroscientists at New York University, even mild stress can thwart therapeutic measures to control emotions. It does make sense scientifically that the Millennial who report higher levels of stress in their lives are also reporting higher levels of depression and anxiety.
Generation- Y or Millennial stressors include rudeness, bossiness, aggressiveness, organizational rules, regulations, deadlines, life events such as death of a relative, lost job, promotion, or even a new born baby, daily hassles like commuting, misplacing keys, mechanical breakdowns and the like.

Internal stressors include lifestyle choices like lack of sleep, overloaded schedule, negative thinking, pessimism, self-criticism, over-analyzing, mind traps, unrealistic expectations, taking things personally, exaggerating, rigid thinking and stressful personality traits like perfectionist, workaholic, pleaser etc.
Ayurveda offers valuable tools to achieve an effective stress management. Practicing Yoga offers an excellent complement to that. When it comes to managing stress, Ayurveda traces stress back to its roots, and then find lasting ways to change the patterns that cause it. Ayurveda defines a person as the replica of the macrocosm and advise him to live in tune with the nature.

Ayurveda theory takes nearly every conceivable stress influence into consideration. From seasonal and planetary changes that affect our well-being to the subtle bodily impurities that can precipitate disease come under perusal. It also sheds light on the thought patterns and physical tendencies that make stress either a constant stumbling block or a non issue.

Ayurveda procedures like Shirodhara (pouring medicated oil in a continuous stream over the scalp), Shirovasti (allowing the oil to stand on the scalp of a person by fixing a cap), Nasya (nasal application of medicines) can be done to de-stress according to the physical condition of the patient.
Special herbal medicines like Manasamitram, Brahmi, Aswagandha, Vacha, Sankapushpi, Jadamamsi are highly effective in these conditions.

Understanding Ayurveda with its values, living in tune with body- mind constitution, following seasonal routine (Ritucharya), Vedic routine Dinacharya, Satvritta (life style and behavioral pattern) are those wonderful rituals that can be adapted by all youths to battle stress.

Ayurveda, the science of life, the oldest healing art and mother of all medical sciences, which has been in practice for more than 5000 years treats the person as a whole and stresses on prevention over cure without neglecting the cure factor. When there are options available in our own traditional system of medicine to handle stress, opting for anti anxiety and anti depressive medications with risk factors are not advisable.

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